
Tuesday 14 July 2009

I'm finding it very hard to keep a straight face here Marla

I went sniffing round Flylady's video archives for holiday advice.

I reckon if I sit down and plan my holiday arrangements, my online shopping, and all the things I want to do before September for fifteen minutes every Tuesday I could just about sort this year's summer holidays out by 2012.

Oh hang on! Did she say December? She's talking about Christmas. Well at least I'm in time for that.

I think.


  1. This just made my day. The cute accent! The earnestness! The outrageousness of even dreaming of having Christmas prep so together so far in advance! But I did love the encouraging, motherly way that she invited me to pour myself a nice cup of coffee. That I can do.

    (P.S. Maybe she has tips for that other kind of holiday under "summer vacation" or "what to do with your kids when they are under foot for the summer.")

  2. P.P.S. You know what you're serving your kids for breakfast tomorrow? You're way ahead of me.

  3. Erm, it is only 5 months until Christmas - get cracking on all the hand-made cards and wrapping paper woman!


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