
Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Signs of spring

You can keep your cherry blossom. Yours is lovely - and yours - but still.

For me, the most glorious sign of Spring is the huge space in my bathroom where the clothes airer has been standing since Autumn.

Hello, old friend.


  1. I love the washing flapping on the line, a perfect sign of spring for me

  2. cherry blossom, pah, not here in the north!

  3. How I wish I had one.

    (Haha Sue!!!)

  4. It's lovely.

    Suddenly I can't use my clothesline because it's started raining. Ho hum.

    1. It will rain here, don't worry. All summer. I always end up putting things in the tumble dryer, which never gets used in winter.

  5. I am with you on that one - except sadly our bathroom isn't big enough so it lives in the dining room (yuk!)

    1. I am lucky enough to have a decent-sized bathroom - no dining room at all, though!

  6. Yes, It's our dining room that has the new, big, summer-only space! Hooray!

  7. Couldn't agree more! I just washed and hung out a load of our cosy brushed cotton sheets. We live in Scotland, after all, and there is no reason to assume that we won't be in need of flannelette again before the week is out!

    1. It is always best never to put away warm bedding or cosy jumpers in the North West until at least July. Which is usually when you most need it.

  8. I am not allowed to hang washing in the garden.

  9. God bless the washing line (even if I am still compelled to do the 10 min fluff thing in the tumble drier afterwards). Pegging it out has got to be the most enjoyable household chore ever.

  10. Yes, and the tiny little spiders on my sheets, who got lost in them on their way out from under the laundry hanging over my creeper-covered railings.. That says spring to me more than anything else.

  11. Ha! This made me laugh as the husband and I were rejoicing in our liberation from the laundry-rack-filled utility room only yesterday evening. Normally we have two in there, full-time, with 3 grubby children to look after. You can only get in sideways which makes actually doing the laundry a bit of a chore.

    Thank goodness for longer days and Springtime sunshine!

  12. My boys have complained about the clothes hanging outside because they get in the way of their 'garden circuit'

    Tough. I said

  13. I'm impressed by the huge size of your bathroom but very intrigued as to why you have a mirror on the wall to reflect your knees. Unless you normally sit on the floor to do your hair?

  14. Theres nothing like lined dried washing is there. one of lifes simple pleasures


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