
Sunday 26 February 2012

Random, with mermaids and forests

  • The tooth fairies that have been allocated to the Coffee House are really, really flakey. They never turn up on the right day. One summer they didn't visit till the third night, leaving behind a pitiful letter of apology about having to travel round the world to collect teeth from children who were on holiday. To give them their credit, however, in order to find our teeth they have to find their way into a fiendlishly complicated Fairy Complex, built by Littlest out of wooden sculptures and a Hello Kitty Cafe set, which is jammed up tight against the wall with no discernible entrance whatsoever.

  • My new swimming float? It's amazing when you hold it out in front of you to practice kicking. When you put it between your knees - and I never expected this - your legs flail from side to side in an almost uncontrollable way. It's as near as I've ever come to understanding what it might be like to be a mermaid.

  • My second Lisette Portfolio dress is finished. This might not qualify as magic to you, but since the fabric was bought in October from a distant fabric shop I think it counts as a miracle that I ever got round to making it. Here it is, ready for its final iron, and already covered in bits of fluff. The buttons were a gift from the lovely friend I'd originally forced into the car to visit the distant shop; it seemed a perfect way to finish it off.

  •  I've been invited to go and see The Forest, a dance theatre piece for children and adults which looks absolutely gorgeous. I'll report back.

    The Forest at Live at LICA (Promotional Video) from Live at LICA on Vimeo.


  1. The Coffee Mermaid? An interesting concept.

    Shall we see the dress in more detail, please?

    Enjoy the theatre!

  2. The tooth fairy round our way always has a mild panic regarding loose change and has been known to 'borrow' from the children's money boxes...

    1. Oh yes, the flakey tooth fairy ... we know her well around here where we've had to make up weird stories as well.
      Like TA I'd appreciate a better shot of the dress and can't wait to hear the report for The Forest.

    2. I am a bit alarmed about the dress, Paola - I have it on today, and it feels like one of those flowery coveralls that 1950s housewives wore to get down to work.

  3. Oh I always laugh when the mini mads have to put a float between their legs!

    Dress pics please

  4. the tooth fairy is a bit of an unreliable character in this house too.The dance theatre sounds very interesting.

  5. just when I was beginning to think the tooth fairy belief might be over the sweetest note was left apologising for the swallowing of a tooth.


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