
Thursday, 29 July 2010


Everyone else is winding down for the summer; I am chasing my tail. This is a really busy time at work, and then we have the inconvenience of having to take a holiday in the middle of it.

I've barely seen the Lattes since school ended. They've been in holiday club. But don't worry about them - they get to eat pizza in front of High School Musical in 3D, and 'Troy and Gabriella come RIGHT OUT OF THE SCREEN and into the glasses, apparently. Much better than I could manage.

(In the spirit of at least thinking about taking a break, I went to the AV library to borrow some music for the car on holiday. Sadly bits of the AV library ceiling were falling down, and the whole thing was closed off except for one small pile of recently returned CDs, featuring gems including as Lee Meads and Cradle of Filth.)

So, basically, no time to blog. So I'll be off for now, and leave you with two lovely things - a little house necklace made specially for me by Silverpebble, and won in her recent Pass the Book giveaway (apologies for the bad photography):

And a lovely thing I came across at work - an online magazine of new fairy tales - free, but an opportunity to donate to charity. Enjoy.